Role And Meaning Of The Number 777 In the Bible

The meaning of numbers such as 777 is derived from it being a number of perfection in the Bible.


Today we will check the role of the number 777 in prophecy, worship of God, and His complete forgiveness.

Role of the number 777 in the Battle of Jericho

The number 7 and multiples of it like 777 and 7777 played an important part in the battle of Jericho. This battle was the first ever that Israel waged, to take possession of their inheritance in the Promised Land.

7 Levitical priests with others, on the 7th day, circled Jericho, blowing 7 trumpets, 7 times they circled the city (Joshua 6:4, 15 – 16).

As soon as the 7th round ended, the children of God shouted at Jericho’s wall and it tumbled down. They then destroyed all human and animal life within the city except for Rahab and her family (Joshua 6:21-25).

Role of the number 777 in worshiping God and the Feasts

Multiple sevens such as 777 were used as part of worshipping God through the Sabbath day and annual Feast days. It was also used in the Jubilee Year. The weekly Sabbath, a holy time from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, was founded using 777 (see Genesis 2:2-3).

The number 7 has a role to play in the annually commanded Feasts like the Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and Last Great Day (Leviticus 23).

The Days of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles are to be kept for a 7-day period. The Hebrew month containing the most annual Feast days is the seventh month (Tishri) which has 4 of the 7 Feasts.

Passover is celebrated at the start of Abib 14 (2 seven’s) on the Hebrew calendar. The Day of Pentecost is calculated every year using 777. It happens after counting 7 perfect cycles of 7 days where each period ends on a seventh-day Sabbath (Leviticus 23:10 – 16).

Even the Jubilee year, when debt is forgiven and slaves are released, is connected to 777 and is declared after 7 sets of 7 years each, with every 7th year being Sabbatical, are completed (Exodus 23:11, Leviticus 25:4, 8).

Use of 777 and 7777 in prophecy

Revelation represents the number 777 itself as the book is the 49th (7 x 7) and last one, it’s also the last of 7 major divisions of Scripture. Three sevens are crucial in proclaiming the formation of God’s beautiful new headquarters after His plan of salvation is complete.

One of the 7 angels implements one of the 7 vials containing the 7 last plagues and after that shows John the New Jerusalem coming from heaven (Revelation 21:9). The events in revelation are kicked off by 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 golden vials (Revelation 5:1, 8:2, 15:7), the last two are performed by 7 angels.

The 7th angel as recorded in the book of Revelation on three separate occasions (number 777) plays a crucial role in the unveiling of God’s plan for humanity. The angel with the trumpet signaled the completion of “the mystery of God” (Revelation 10:7), and also heralded the beginning of his Kingdom on earth (11:15).


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