‘Jesus Would Really Struggle with 99 Percent of Churches Today’: Bear Grylls Talks About Modern Church

Bear Grylls, the British adventurer and survival expert, recently made a bold statement regarding the state of the modern church. In an interview with Christian Post, Grylls said that Jesus would “really struggle” with 99 percent of churches today.


Grylls on the state of the modern Church

Grylls, who is known for his survival skills and ability to thrive in extreme conditions, believes that the church has lost its way and has become too comfortable and complacent. He argues that the church needs to get back to its roots and focus on the message of the Bible, rather than becoming overly focused on programs and activities.

“I think Jesus would really struggle with 99 percent of churches today,” Grylls said. “He would be like, ‘What are you doing? This is not what I came to do.’ The church has become too comfortable and too much like the world. We need to get back to the message of the Bible and stop trying to be politically correct.”

Grylls’ comments reflect a growing sentiment among Christians that the church needs to return to its spiritual roots. Many argue that the church has become too focused on programs and activities, rather than on the teachings of the Bible. This has resulted in a disconnect between the church and its congregants, with many feeling that the church is not meeting their spiritual needs.

In contrast, Grylls believes that the church should be a place of refuge and sanctuary, where people can find comfort and support in difficult times. He argues that the church should be a place where people can come to hear the message of the Bible, rather than a place where they come for entertainment or social activities.

“Probably most of the people in the congregation have substance abuse, and probably most of their congregations struggle with porn and all that sort of stuff,” he said. “What a relief it is when a pastor can stand up and go, ‘Welcome to the hospital, folks. Here we go. I’m just standing alongside you on the road, failing our way through, but reaching out of desperation for life and love and redemption. Let’s look outwards and love other people, and we’re in it together.”

Faith- a vital tool that can help people to overcome challenges

Recently, the well-known adventurer and survival expert also talked about his faith which is a key part of his life on and off camera.

Grylls said that his faith has been a source of inspiration and motivation for him, as it has helped him to push past his limits and achieve things that he never thought possible. He mentioned that it gives him the courage to face his fears and the determination to overcome obstacles.

“Faith gives you hope, and hope is what keeps you going when things get tough,” Grylls said. “Without hope, it’s easy to give up and lose sight of your goals. But with faith, you know that there is always a way forward, and that you can always find a way to succeed.”

In addition to its role in survival, Grylls also highlighted the importance of faith in his personal life. He said that his faith has been a constant source of support and encouragement for him, both in times of joy and in times of sorrow. He also mentioned that it has helped him to develop a sense of humility and gratitude, which he believes is essential to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

“Faith has given me a sense of perspective, and it has helped me to see the world in a different way,” Grylls said. “It has taught me to be grateful for what I have, and to always be looking for ways to help others. I believe that this is what truly makes us human, and it is what makes life worth living.”

He explained that having faith in something greater than oneself can provide a sense of purpose and direction, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Grylls’ comments come at a time when the church is facing increasing pressure to adapt to the modern world. With many Christians feeling that the church is not meeting their spiritual needs, it is clear that the church needs to re-evaluate its approach and focus on its spiritual roots.

The well-known adventurer and survival expert, has sparked a conversation about the state of the modern church. He believes that the church has lost its way, becoming too comfortable and complacent, and needs to return to the message of the Bible. It is important for the church to listen to criticism and re-evaluate its approach in order to meet the spiritual needs of its congregants.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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