Orphan Girl Has Priceless Reaction When She Is Surprised With A Doll

The priceless reaction of an orphan girl who received a doll for the first time in her life is breaking the internet.


Bilal Erkus shared the video of the moment on Instagram where he surprised the girl named Bedel with a brand new doll.

Bilal was visiting an orphanage in Nigeria when he met the girl and presented the doll to her.


Her reaction is so precious as she wraps herself around the stranger’s leg and is smiling from ear-to-ear.


James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Verse of the Day

“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”

1 John 4:20-21


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