Puppy With Tail On Head Abandoned For Being Different And Internet Is In Love

A Golden Retriever puppy with a tail on his head, who was dumped by owner is now a viral internet sensation.


Narwhal was born with an extra Golden Retriever puppy tail on his forehead due to a birth defect, but social media users are loving this unique trait.

Narwhal was rescued by some people in the freezing cold in Missouri early November after he had been dumped for his quirky look.


Rescuers tagged a local organization called Mac’s Mission for help on social media which was the best place for the poor abandoned Golden Retriever as the organisation “specializes in special”.

“I melted,” said Rochelle Steffen from Mac’s Mission, who is fostering the pup, about seeing him for the first time. “I literally smiled so big because he lights up the entire room with how happy he is. His butt tail never stops wagging – too bad his face tail doesn’t wag!”


Rochelle and the others at Mac’s Mission decided he needed a really special name. And named him “Narwhal the Little Magical Furry Unicorn,” because his tail sits on the same place on his forehead as a horn.

After his picture was shared online, thousands of people have liked and shared it.

Narwhal is doing well except a visit to the vet revealed that he had a small foot injury and worms but nothing else. X-rays showed that the extra puppy tail wasn’t actually connected to anything and is made of skin and fur and does not wag.

So far the tail in his forehead does not wag that we have seen. We have also named him “Narwhal the Little Magical Furry…

Posted by Mac the pitbull on Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mac’s Mission says the extra tail makes Narwhal “the COOLEST PUPPY EVER!” and that there is no reason to have it removed. He will be continued to be fostered by Rochelle till he is put up for adoption.