‘She Was From The Lord’: Police Officer Adopts Baby Abandoned In Safe Haven Box

Bruce Faltynski, an Indiana Police officer, and his wife Shelby recently added a new member to their family when they decided to take in an abandoned baby girl. The child, Myah, had been left in a Safe Haven box at a northern Indiana firehouse.

baby left in safe haven box

Months earlier, the young couple had also adopted an 8-year-old  girl, Kaia, after fostering her for a year. They had also undergone training to be foster-to-adoptive parents and through that training they were allowed to be on a list of, to be adoptive parents, giving them the opportunity to adopt babies.

The couple could not have been happier when social service called them and informed them about baby Myah who was in need of a home. They decided to take her in and provide for her a home and family with a mom, dad, and even a big sister.

Bruce Faltynski recalled being nervous and apprehensive when they first received the call. However, when they finally decided to be Myah’s parents, he said that it was ‘complete joy and excitement’. Their prayers had been answered.

“We waited for God to give us our own family,” Shelby said.


Baby Myah, according to doctors, had a stroke earlier and so she was put in an intensive care unit for children. However, as of now, her condition has improved greatly, and is carrying on daily as a healthy baby.

Expressing her delight in having become a big sister to Myah, Kaia says, “As I’m being a big sister, I can hold her, feed her and play with her cause it’s really fun to be with her.”

Shelby Faltynski is forever grateful for the mothers of Kaia and Myah who wanted what was best for their kids. And it is heartwarming to know that these two girls would be having loving parents, each other, and a family they can always rely on from now on.

As for other couples who are trying to have babies of their own or looking for babies to adopt, Shelby encourages that, “…God uses the storm and He has good plans. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future and I hope that God can use our story to encourage another family to know that He truly does have better plans, even when it does not feel like it.”

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