Mom Receives A Christmas Miracle After Being Told She Has 4 Years To Live

This Christmas comes with a precious miracle for this 35 year old mother. She who has given with just four years to live after she has been diagnosed with a terminal cancer is now free from that deadly decease! An incredible turn of events, Heidi Loughlin’s latest scan has shown her body is now free from cancer because of a revolutionary drug approved by NICE named “Kadcyla”.

Heidi Loughlin from Bristol England had a rare and aggressive inflammatory breast cancer which was diagnosed during her 3rd month pregnancy on 2015. She wasn’t ready for the chemotherapy due to her pregnancy and the doctors had delivered the bad news on last September about the little time she was left to live with!Her baby Ally Louise Smith was born 12 weeks early via c-section on Dec 12,2015 and the baby passed away just eight days after developing an infection!

Going through all these valleys Loughlin described her ordeal was like “swimming in the wake of a ship wreck and fighting an impossible battle”. She eventually had undergone chemotherapy and is now feeling like the world is her oyster, and also very grateful for the precious time she has given back to spend with her 2 sons and husband! I feel so happy about her miracle healing and thank God for giving an aid of medical science for human beings!

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23