Mother Caring For Dying Foster And Adopted Kids Says She Draws Strength From God

Having foster and adopted children being taken away is one of the biggest fears of those who are fostering and adopting, but a greater risk is knowing that they are going to die soon.

A Utah mom is facing the most difficult part of life as her foster and adopted babies are not expected to live longer and are about to die soon.

Cori Salchert and Mark her husband have 8 biological children of their own, but have opened their home to in her own words, “hospice babies,” or kids who are going to die soon.

Although these kids are expected to die soon, Salchert believes that giving them love in their last days is the most precious gift she can give them.
She says that her journey is difficult as well as hopeful, and even if she cannot make a change in many babies lives, but she says God is giving her strength to love a few babies who otherwise would never have known what it was to be loved.

She adds on that there were times when the baby that passes away doesn’t have a name, and nobody attends their funeral, and is not loved or missed by anybody, but that doesn’t matter to her.

They had first adopted a girl named Emmalyn in the year 2013, and from birth she did not have the right or left hemisphere region of her brain, Doctors did not give her much time. She died after just 50 days in the care of the Salchert’s.

They are now doting on a brave 4-year-old boy called Charlie, who doctors said would not live beyond age 2.

She rests firmly on the promise of God that He would take care of her she says that He is just a prayer away from her and this assurance takes the stress off her and family and friends.

Why this mom takes care of 'hospice babies' no one else wants

Would you choose to love a child with all your heart, knowing your heart would be broken? Watch the extraordinary story of Cori Salchert, who fosters and adopts children with fatal and life-limiting conditions who have no one else to care for them.

Posted by Today Show on Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23