Dog Walks Herself To Doggy Daycare In Amusing Video

It was a sweet surprise to see this amusing dog waiting outside this Pet Resort & Spa. She decided it’s about time to have that much-needed rest and pampering at the shop.


One of the employees of HappyTails Pet Resort & Spa was delighted to see this dog at their door. However, the pup came too early. The sun has not risen yet but she was already there waiting for the shop to open.

Marty, one of its employees checked if she was accompanied by her fur parent or probably, someone responsible for her. But, he found no one. It turned out that this independent, strong-willed fur baby walked herself toward the spa.

Having a soft spot for doggies, Marty could not let this adorable pup just stay outside. He let her in and immediately, she walked inside and explored. She was obviously having fun because her tail never stopped wagging. She was full of energy! This cute moment was captured by the shop’s CCTV camera. She knew the routine and went inside one of the rooms to play.

Marty called her owner to inform him that she went to the shop alone. The owner said that she got out of their yard and went straight to the pet resort. Guess dogs have their GPS. They know their way and can get by on their own. Thankfully, her owner let her enjoy the rest of her stay. She could now have fun and catch up with the rest of her fur-pack.

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Thanks to Marty and to this dog’s loving fur parent, she’s assured that she’s loved not only for the rest of her stay in HappyTails but also for the rest of her life.

Verse of the Day

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16