‘Sweetest Thing Ever’: Firefighter Comforts Little Girl After Terrible Car Crash

A firefighter is known for his courage and strength during an emergency. But, this brave firefighter was known for something else. He was known for his gentleness and love as he reads a book to a young girl after an unfortunate car crash.

firefighter reads to little girl

The firefighters responded to a car crash on September 29, 2021, around 8 pm. The cars were damaged but fortunately, none of the passengers were harmed physically. However, traumatic encounters like this can make a young girl very fearful. That’s when Ryan Benton came to the rescue for the second time, by reading a book to her to calm her. An effort to take her mind off of what happened. This also gave her parents enough time to focus on the things which needed to be resolved.

Billings firefighter Ryan Benton, 26, was indeed, a breath of fresh air at the accident scene. Allie Marie Schmalz, a bystander at the accident took a picture of this memorable and touching moment. For her, it was the “sweetest thing ever!” Ryan and the adorable girl were sitting in the middle of the road while he was reading a book to her. It seemed that he got the girl’s full attention!

Billings Firefighters Media Coordinator Cameron Abell said that Ryan was one of the reasons why their department is “extremely proud” of their people. He said that they are the light on a cold, scary night. They will be available for others in their darkest moments.

Love and gentleness are what people need the most especially now. They certainly are crucial in the darkest hours. A small effort like reading a book to calm a frightened little girl is indeed, a life-saving act. May our lives be tangible expressions of God’s love!

“No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4:12

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23