Runner Wearing ‘Jesus Saves’ Bib Suffers Cardiac Arrest And Is Saved By Nurse Named Jesus

Minnesota runner, Tyler Moon experienced nothing less than a prophetic encounter after he ran a 10-mile race this month with a “Jesus Saves” bib.


The 25-year-old General Mills employee said, “So, before the race, my name was originally on the bib,” Moon said. “One day I got a thought — I thought it was from God and that it should be a profession of faith — and changed it to ‘Jesus Saves,’ so that another runner or someone in the audience would see it … that Jesus saves us for eternity.”

On the race day on Oct. 6, he said he “felt really good” after eating breakfast, and wore his orange Wheaties t-shirt with his bib pinned to his shorts for the race. “I’d been looking forward to this race for a while” he said.

Tyler Moon and his fiance, Amy Greene

Moon was a former college football player, and had no previous history of heart trouble. He was running eight-minute miles until the eighth mile, when he suddenly fell down and collapsed on the pavement, causing a crack in his head.

But there was a runner named Jesus “Jesse” Bueno, a Lakeville registered nurse anesthetist, running right him who helped save his life, helped by another colleague and medical professionals, who performed chest compressions and assisted breathing till the ambulance arrived.

Moon, had a cardiac arrest, concussion, and suffered broken bones in his face, but says he is grateful. “Thank you to everyone who helped me and thanks to all the runners who stopped and saved my life,” he said. “I believe God placed all those people there at the right time and the right place for His glory.”


Moon is all set to marry his fiance Amy Greene, in January and said that “When I originally put ‘Jesus Saves,’ I was hoping that it would help people at the race and in Minneapolis,” he said. “I had no idea how far it would go and how it would impact the world … That’s just something I never expected but God’s plans are way greater than anything that I could ever think of.”

He is on a mission telling everybody to help others the way he was helped, “just to serve one another.”

Jesus truly saves and He is in the business of bringing back His lost sons and daughters to the kingdom, let us be the hands and feet of Jesus in this dying world with acts of kindness like this story.


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