Military Dad Gives Daughter A Heartwarming Surprise At Her Graduation

Commencement is already a special day, but when you get to help a UNG alumnus currently deployed to the Middle East surprise his daughter and the entire family who didn't expect him home until May … We thank Army Col. Chip Kirby for his service and are glad for this special day to see his daughter Taylor graduate.

Posted by UNG – University of North Georgia on Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas cam early for one young woman who was getting ready for her graduation ceremony from the University of North Georgia when she was reunited with an important person in her life.

Taylor Kirby’s dad, Army Col. Norman “Chip” Kirby Jr., was deployed in the Middle East, but did not want to miss out on such an important day in his daughter’s life. So with the help of Taylor’s mother, Jan, he gave his daughter the best surprise ever much to the surprise of Taylor who had no idea what was happening.

It was the sweetest graduation ceremony on Dec. 15, 2018, when Taylor’s dad came to the graduation ceremony and surprised her in front of family and friends. The University of North Georgia shared the incident of Facebook saying, “We thank Army Col. Chip Kirby for his service and are glad for this special day to see his daughter Taylor graduate.”

Jan and Chip are alumni of UNG, graduating in 1993, a former UNG Corps Cadet, Chip noted the reunion with Taylor was “the best experience of my life.” Jan Kirby also felt the same as she said “This is great,” and added,  “I really appreciate all the help he received getting here.”

It must have been an amazing experience for Taylor to graduate in the presence of her dad, we hope this beautiful family has a beautiful Christmas together and make many more happy memories.

Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2