4 Ways To Approach New Year 2024 With Jesus Christ

As we approach the end of this year 2023, We are grateful to God for the things He has accomplished in and through us this year. We are so thankful to the Lord and believe that as we enter the new year, He will never leave us nor forsake us, according to His word.

new year with Jesus Christ

In this new year let us have a deep reflection on our lives and turn towards God as Moses asked of the Lord, “Teach us to number our days, so we may get a heart of wisdom” (Ps. 90:12).

New Year’s is a time of new beginnings in that each day with Jesus is a chance for us to embrace a new life in Him. We are a new creation and we serve a King who renews us daily by the Holy Spirit.

Here are four important steps we can take to draw closer to Jesus Christ in the New Year 2024.

1. Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness

“Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’” (Eccl. 12:1).

As we start the year, we should remind ourselves of the faithfulness of God who has led us through the past year.

It is not about what we achieved but it is all about thanking God for His faithfulness towards us in every given moment.

Every new season is a testimony of the goodness of God.

2. Turn away from evil

Let us draw closer to Jesus and turn away from evil by receiving the grace that God has made available for us through his son Jesus.

We should have a change of life and repent from our sins. 1 John 1:9 emphasizes it as it says that because we know our forgiveness has already been purchased at the cross.

We begin the New Year by allowing His light to penetrate the darkness of our hearts and to reveal areas in need of growth. This is how we can have a greater intimacy with God in 2024.

3. Renew your lives

New Year’s is a time to make new commitments and also renew the old ones, like marriage, family, and church.

Our primary focus this new year should be to love our spouses and raise our children in godliness and grace. Success does not require you to abandon your family.

Maybe the commitment to marriage, family, and church doesn’t look significant but in all these things you build up faithfulness and show the world how a follower of Christ should be like.

4. Resting in the Lord

At New Year’s you must take time to rest in your identity in Christ because Jesus still loves you despite your failures.

Rest physically as well and don’t rush to get to work but get sleep and leisure. When we sleep we give our lives in to the hands of Christ and trust Him with everything we have.

As you make your plans for 2024, remember that we serve the One who remembers our frame and knows we are dust (Ps. 103:14).

Let us give all our plans and dreams for the new year into the hands of our Savior God as we can trust Him with our future. Jesus Christ is the king who holds the world in His hands forever.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23