Screaming Newborn Instantly Stops Crying When She Hears Dad’s Voice

Mr. Michael Junior was beyond excited to welcome his little princess, Portland, into the world. Even though Michael was present in the delivery room, he missed something truly phenomenal.

baby stops crying hearing dads voice

After a few months, he came across some old videotapes captured just after her birth. Baby Portland was screaming loudly, and at that moment, Michael approached his angel and spoke to her. Immediately, she stopped crying, which was pretty remarkable. He kept filming as a nurse tried to put a diaper on her and swaddle her. She started crying again, but with a heart full of love, Michael spoke to her once more. Incredibly, Portland opened her eyes for the first time.

Michael Jr., a man of faith, believes there’s a profound message within these cherished moments. “Here’s the thing. We’ll always have times when we’re uncomfortable — maybe even to the point of tears, when life feels heavy. The key in those moments is to be still and listen for the Father’s voice,” he says. “I can tell you, what He wants you to know is that He loves you. All you gotta do is open your eyes.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23