Children’s Choir Sings Moving Cover of ‘Live Like You Were Dying’

Death is often a topic people avoid, but it’s a part of life we can’t ignore. A touching reminder of life’s fleeting nature was recently showcased by the One Voice Children’s Choir. They sang a beautiful rendition of Tim McGraw’s ‘Live Like You Were Dying’.

one voice children's choir live like you were dying

In the video, about a dozen children stood in a large open field. They sang the song with deep emotion, and some of their friends added depth with violins. Their version starts softly, just like Tim McGraw’s original, but it gradually builds, creating a moving experience.

Many viewers were deeply touched by their performance and expressed their emotions.

“This song made me cry because I remembered when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cervical Cancer and didn’t know if I would live or die. By the Grace of God, I am still alive and that was 2015.” said a viewer.

Another wrote, “Simply wow you guys never Fail to impress me but this was the first time one of your covers actually broke me down love y’all so much for it thou.”

The song choice and the choir’s touching rendition remind us that life is short. We should value every moment, seeing each as a special gift.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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Marlene Gibson
Marlene Gibson

This song always brings tears to my eyes. For we lost one of our twin sons fifteen days after their 43 birthday, and four days after our 44 anniversary. He had glyoblastoma, and when you get this diagnosis, you are given a year to year and half. That last half was really not good for him.