Therapy Dog Born With Only Back Legs Helping Young Patients

Therapy dogs are often used in hospitals to bring comfort to patients, but this special pup is not helping patients but also inspiring all of us.

Nubby a 7 year old long haired Chihuahua, is a really busy dog, because when he is not getting dressed up, riding around or taking a dip in the pool, he is at Banner Children’s at Cardon Children’s Medical Center, visiting patients.

He is not an ordinary dog because he was born with only his back legs, and was abandoned a few years ago in a parking lot in California.

Deidre Grafel has since adopted Nubby, and they are living their best life together.

When Deidre brings Nubby to the hospital, he visits all the rooms and gives snuggles and kisses to all the patients.
Grafel wants to start a message in the hospital that we should be more accepting to disabled people and animals and wants to reach more people.

Verse of the Day

“[More on Love and Hatred] For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”

1 John 3:11