Mom Refuses To Abort Baby After Her Water Breaks Early At 13-Weeks, Gives Birth To Baby Girl

A mom whose water broke at only 13 weeks is amazed that her daughter survived despite all odds.


Kirsty Mizon’s water broke very early at 13 weeks, and doctors thought it was a miscarriage and even suggested to her to abort the baby, but she refused and now her baby is thriving.

Kirsty says, “I was devastated. I went home and I waited for the inevitable to happen,” She adds, “But it didn’t. My baby’s heartbeat was still going strong.”


Doctors were expecting the baby to be a boy, and were afraid that due to the water breaking early, the baby would be born with abnormalities or would be stillborn.

“All the way through the pregnancy they were offering me terminations and saying he will be handicapped and won’t be able to use his limbs,” the 23-year-old mom recalled. “They gave him a one percent survival rate because I was constantly losing amniotic fluid.”


The brave mom decided against abortion because God was the one to decide the child’s time on the earth. “I didn’t know if I was strong enough to go through it, but I couldn’t give up on my baby,” she said.

She even prepared for the baby’s funeral but was hoping for a miracle to happen. She managed to put off labor till the baby was 29-weeks old. “I couldn’t believe it. I had kept her in there without fluid for almost four months,” she said.


But then in December 2019, Mizon gave birth to a premature, healthy baby girl. “I heard my baby cry,” the overjoyed mom recalled. “It was the best feeling ever, the greatest sound I have ever heard. The midwife turned to me and said ‘He is a she, you have a little girl.’ I couldn’t believe it.”



She named the baby girl Lacey and the Doctors placed the baby on oxygen right away. Lacey has been regularly visited by family at the hospital. “She is doing really well,” Kirsty Mizon said. “She will probably be in the hospital until the New Year but she only has one problem which can be fixed with physiotherapy. I am still in shock. I just can’t believe I have a baby. A beautiful baby girl.”


Baby girl lacey has two other siblings and has been a great source of joy in the life of her family and relatives. With all the odds against her, Lacey was able to defy death because of the brave decision her mother took by not aborting her and trusting in God’s timing.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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