Woman Pays For Couple’s Large Store Order After Their Credit Cards Were Declined

A kind-hearted woman didn’t think twice about paying for a couple’s goods after their credit cards were declined at Walmart.


Joyce Hargrave Felton from Mississippi took action instead of ignoring the plight of the troubled pair. Ben Hendley, one of the customers at Walmart, Canton, Texas branch, witnessed the Good Samaritan in action and recounted what happened on his Facebook account.

“And this couple (passing through from Fort Worth, Texas) are trying to get their kid’s presents as they travel to their family get-together (they live 2 hours away). And his card gets declined. Again. And again..,” he wrote. Unknown to him, he would be receiving an unexpected gift from a stranger a few moments after.

Then, Joyce made a generous offer and said, “You know what? It’s Christmas! I’ll pay for it.”

The husband was embarrassed, his wife stepped in and tried to resolve the concern. “Oh, no! I don’t think you know how much this is! Let me see if I can put it on my credit card,” she said. Sadly, her credit card was also rejected.

“It’s a couple [of] hundred dollars. So? God’s blessed me, so I’m going to bless you,” Joyce insisted. The pair tried to beg off but, she did not take no for an answer. “Hush. I don’t want to hear any more. I’ve got this,” she said. This compassionate woman reasoned out, “I don’t care. I’m going to bless you like God’s blessed me.”

But, it did not end here. Ben followed Joyce at the parking lot, and to his surprise, her license plate was “GOD SNT.” She was truly “God Sent” to this couple and the people who witnessed her generous act.

Now, there was an unexpected plot twist. It was found out that the store’s card reader was dysfunctional.

Ben and Joyce connected on Social media, and he tagged her when he shared the story. His post has more than 2K likes and hundreds of positive comments now. She commented, “Making a difference around the world. This is not only me. This is us as the whole God-sent team.”

The Good Samaritan also posted on her Facebook account, “My love, my family and my friends. When you do things secretly, God rewards you openly … Trust His process & remember [to] always make a difference no matter what!”

So… I’m in line (Walmart, Canton Texas), getting my Santa stuff like I do each year, and (because of what I’m…

Posted by Ben Hendley on Saturday, 18 December 2021

“This is my norm,” Joyce told Fox News. “You do what God tells you to do and don’t ask questions. It’s only being obedient.” Kudos to this woman who proactively helped when she saw a need. May we also take the time to bless others cheerfully to honor God.

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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