Anne Wilson And Josh Turner Sing Original Christmas Song ‘The Manger’

Anne Wilson and Josh Turner sings ‘The Manger’, praising God and giving Him all the Glory for giving us His only begotten son.


The Christmas song is filled with nostalgia as it tells the story how God took the human form and chose Himself to be born in a lowly manger, on a bed made of nails and wood when He could have picked a palace instead.

He came down to our level, from the highest of places in Heaven to the lowest of places, in a stable, on earth. His birth demonstrating His humility and willingness to go the distance of searching for the sinners and the downtrodden at the lowest of places, to deliver them from their sins.

They’re putting decorations up in front of my old church.
The shepherds and the wise men and the hay,
There’s Joseph and his Mary lookin’ down at Heaven’s birth.
And the angel’s saying don’t you be afraid.

It makes me stop and think about how You showed up down here,
In a humble bed made of nails and wood.
You could have picked a palace, something more fit for a King.
But then the story wouldn’t be as good.

From the highest of the high
To the lowest of the low
That stable tells a story of the distance You will go
For the lonely and the lost
There’s no sinner too far gone to find a Savior
Lying in the manger

Our Saviour, humbled himself and took upon himself our sins on the Cross of Calvary. The author is filled with tears, thinking how Jesus could have avoided all the pain and sufferings on the Cross. Yet He chose to die and deliver us from the eternal punishment of sin.

God wrote a beautiful ‘love story’ and he made it good by sending us His only Son, down to earth. From the manger to the Cross, from the Cross to the grave and from the grave to the sky. Jesus, our Lord and redeemer reigns. Let us give praises to Him.

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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