Boy Leaves Tear-Jerking Note On Toy Panda And What Happened Next Will Make You SO Happy

10-year-old Leon Ashworth was shopping with his mom when he found a toy panda. The little boy fell in love with the toy and he desperately wanted it. But his mom told him to put it back, as she didn’t have enough money to buy Pandy. But Leon was not ready to say a goodbye to his new friend.

He left a heartbreaking note on a cardboard box saying that –

“My mum didn’t have enough money to buy me Pandy so she’s buying me Pandy on 15th june so please don’t buy him as it will make me sad and I will cry, thank you so much from hopeful future owner”.

The staffs at the store found Leon’s note and they were so moved by his words. They all teamed up and brought the toy for the little boy. Then they posted a message on Facebook to track Leon. Leon’s mom saw the Facebook post, and finally Leon reunited with his Pandy!

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23