10-Year-Old Kid Gives Chemo Comfort Bags To Patients After Seeing Grandpa’s Battle With Pancreatic Cancer

This ten-year-old kid and her family put together several items for ‘Chemo Comfort bags.’ This young woman gave these bags to chemotherapy patients after seeing how her grandpa battled Pancreatic cancer.


Sophie Enderton of Niagara County was very close to her grandfather, Terry. She told Fox News Digital that she wanted to brighten the days of the patients after Terry explained to her what a cancer patient goes through.

She learned of her loving gramps’ diagnosis last October. She then decided to give these bags to patients last Holiday season. With help from her family, Sophie put together crocheted bags and filled them up with blankets, small pillows, games, word searches, cozy socks, and mittens. These are items that would ensure their comfort, especially during chemotherapy sessions.

Thankfully, they were able to give ten comfort bags over the holidays. They donated them to the patients of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. It was the same hospital where her grandpa received treatment in Buffalo, New York.


Sophie’s parents are so proud of their thoughtful and sweet daughter. “My husband and I are so proud that Sophie wanted to give back,” Jillian Enderton, her mom, told Fox News Digital. “She saw others struggling, and she wanted to be a change and help them.”

This fifth-grader said that “it felt so nice” to see her comfort bags making a difference in others’ lives. Also, she has received “thank you notes” from the recipients. She said, “I’ve received thank you notes, but I never knew who the bags went to.”

This beautiful project stemmed from this granddaughter’s big love for her grandpop. Sadly, he succumbed to cancer and passed on last December. “Sophie and her grandpa were super close, and I think this helps her to stay close to him now that he’s passed away,” Jillian said.

But his memories and their love for each other live on. The Enderton family is putting together 20 comfort bags which they will give to adults and pediatric patients by end of March. This is their way of celebrating Terry’s birthday.


Community members have donated money and items for her comfort bags. She also plans to add cards and personalized items/touches to the care packs.

Sophie can be a CEO in the making of a nonprofit organization years from now. She plans to work with other nonprofits to raise funds for important causes. “She likes to be in charge. So, she’ll be good at that,” Jillian said. “I’m part of a few nonprofit committees in our community. So maybe, hopefully, she wanted to follow in my footsteps a little bit. I don’t think I was as aware as she is of what’s going on.”


One is never too young to make an impact in others’ lives. The love and concern this fifth-grader showed her grandpop and patients indeed, created a lasting impression on their lives.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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