A Georgia pastor is encouraging his neighborhood with a moving rendition of Sinach’s ‘Waymaker.’

Rev. Bridges, from Riverdale, Georgia, is using the opportunity to share the gospel through Christian songs. The video shows him singing on a mic at his driveway while accompanied by recorded backup vocals.
In the video you can see his neighbors standing out of their houses to listen to Bridges’ captivating and powerful singing voice. “Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper – that is who You are! (Every neighborhood should be doing this!)” the video caption read.
Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper – that is who You are! (Every neighborhood should be doing this!)
Statistics show that 98% of professing Christians have NEVER shared the Gospel with their neighbors! Great time for that to change!
Watch this Video – https://youtu.be/S_SuLV8MM10
Posted by Troy D. Bohn on Monday, March 30, 2020
‘Waymaker’ was originally written by professional singer and songwriter Sinach, an award-winning worship leader from Nigeria which has been since covered by Christan artists including Michael W. Smith, Hillsong, Leeland, and Bethel Music.
With this video of Bridges becoming viral on social media, Sinach herself has taken note of it and shared it on her own Instagram page with a caption saying, “Go follow him, my friends,” Sinach linked Bridges social media handle @emillministries, to her post.
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#waymaker #sinach #corona Song writer : Sinach Singer : @emillministries Go follow him my friends
In a separate Facebook post in response to his video’s popularity, Bridges thanked God for the opportunity to spread the gospel message through song and the power of social media. “Lord we bless you and give you praise!” he wrote.