Guardian Angel Turns Up In Ultrasound Of Woman Who Doctors Said Couldn’t Have Kids

A guardian angel could be seen in a woman’s 12-week ultrasound of her ‘miracle baby’.


Britainy Clark had been diagnosed by doctors of having endometriosis, which made her dream of starting a family with her partner James Grouvel almost impossible. This condition affects the uterus and makes conception hardly possible. extremely difficult or even impossible.

So when Britainy discovered she was pregnant, she was over the moon. “I was proper shocked I got pregnant,” she explained. “I was getting quite sick and he [James] said I might be, so I took two tests and a clear blue as well. It was amazing.”

But then she was scared as she went for her 12-week scan because it is a crucial pregnancy scan which can reveal if everything is okay or not. But when Britainy looked at the ultrasound image she was puzzled and sent the photo to her aunt and mum in a group text.


She could see a strange looking shadow in the upper right corner of the image and her family saw a face and hand. Her aunt said it was a divine sign. “My auntie said that there’s a guardian angel looking over it [the baby] which I thought is quite sweet,” the mom-to-be explained.

Now with the 12-week scan complete and the doctors feeling satisfied that everything is good, she and her partner are getting ready to embrace the special gift God has sent them!

“It’s good we can start preparing now,” Britainy Clark said.

Whether there was a guardian angel or not in the pregnancy scan, we know that God is surely looking over her baby and is in full control of the situation.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23