17-Year-Old Prays To God For A Testimony And Then He Dies

A teen’s life revolves mostly around school, sports, and friends, their prayers too are all about those things. But when one teen prayed to God for a testimony, he received the most stunning answer to it.


Henderson Lentz was at summer basketball camp for his school, when the most unexpected thing happened. The 17-year-old collapsed on the court and his heart stopped beating. Henderson stopped breathing. His mom who was recording the match from the stands was shocked as she saw her lifeless son.

Jill Lentz said, “I screamed, loud, and I was just tormented that he was dead.” she said. “He didn’t collapse, he just kind of looked like he was sliding into his bench,” she added.

She recalled, “It’s like everything just shut down,” she said. “It was just Henderson, it was just me.” Her son had suffered a cardiac arrest, the coaches along with an off-duty EMT were giving him CPR for about 15 minutes before EMS arrived.

As soon as the EMS arrived, they used an automated defibrillator that shocked Henderson’s heart to beat again. So much time passed, concerned bystanders walked his mom out of the gym so she wouldn’t see workers give up on her dying son. This mom must have been really crying out to God for her son’s life.


God answered her prayer in the most astonishing way when Henderson began to breathe again. A coach came over to Jill to tell her that her son wanted to see her, “Henderson is asking for you.”

The relieved and grateful mother accompanied her son to the local hospital in what was the first of many heart surgeries the teen would have. “They ran all the tests that they could do and they never did find anything wrong, so I’m just trusting that the Lord will keep me safe,” Henderson said.

Here’s the part of the story that truly gives me chills. Henderson said he had actually prayed to God two days before he died, to give him a testimony and make him humble. “The Sunday before, I had actually prayed that the Lord would give me a testimony and somewhat break me and make me humble,” Henderson said.


God listens to the prayers of His children and so we must be very careful about what we ask Him for. Henderson said, “He gave me that opportunity two days later.”

Henderson’s life has been changed forever and He gives God all the glory for what He did in his life. The teen is using his testimony to reach others for Jesus and win them for the kingdom of God.

Verse of the Day

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

Psalm 40:8


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