Jewish Man Sees Jesus In The Sky, And His Life Is Forever Transformed

A powerful testimony recorded by a Jewish man who saw Jesus in the sky and whose life was totally transformed is going viral on social media.


The man was raised as a conservative Jew in the DC area. He says he had his first conversation about God with his late grandfather, who was from Paris and fought in the French resistance. Although much of his family passed away in the Holocaust, he was amazed that his grandfather survived despite being captured many times. He somehow feels he was part of this survival story.

He says that when he went to college, he was without direction, smoked pot, and hung out with people who were not good influences. He once had a bad experience at a party, where he felt he was going to die from all the drinking, and that’s when he called out to God. He then returned home and joined a group doing cocaine, but after some time, he woke up one day and asked himself why he was doing this. His whole life seemed empty to him.

He then took up a construction job and started working for Larry, the bricklayer, who was a burly guy from the inner city of Chicago. He would see Larry handing out pamphlets, and since Larry was three times his size, he felt compelled to take the pamphlet and read it. One day, when Larry asked him if he had read it, he went home, took out the simple pamphlet, and went through it. It was all about sin and the remedy for sin, which seemed simple to him but he could not understand it.

As he went through it many times, he felt the Holy Spirit convict him of his sin and make him realize that he was a sinner and that he needed atonement and a savior, as the tract spoke of. But he couldn’t understand how his religion would fit in with this Jesus that the tract mentioned. So he prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After praying, he looked up into the sky and saw Jesus Christ.

He felt God talking to him, revealing that Jesus was the atonement and remedy for his sin. He later went to his dad’s apartment and spoke of all these things and felt that he had a relationship with God now. But his dad just patted him on the back and said, “that’s great.” His stepsister Carol, who lived there, gave him her Bible. Every night he would read his Bible and enjoy his new relationship with God.

As a Jew, he was aware that he needed atonement and believed that one day there would be a Messiah who would atone for his sins. He now believes that Jesus is the Messiah whose blood was shed for the atonement of his sins.

This powerful testimony has received more than 146,000 views on social media and has become a viral video on the internet. We pray and believe that in these last days, there will be a mighty revival among the Jews where Jesus Himself will appear to many to draw them into the kingdom of God. Amen.

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“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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