Woman With Rare Condition Shares Moving Story About Her Life And Love

In a time where there is a lack of genuine love and selfishness, this beautiful story of true love will warm your hearts.

Kristin Victoria

Kristin Victoria was born with a rare condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta or brittle bones. She ended up breaking a lot of bones as she was growing up and also has a crooked back because of Scoliosis. At 3 foot 6 inches she stands tall as a beacon of hope to all those disabled people who find life extremely challenging and not worth it.


Doreen, her mother says that when she was born, the doctor told her that their baby would have a lot of problems, he clarified that she had a condition called brittle bones and would break a lot of bones as a result of it. But he told them that she would live and to treat her as a normal kid and just take it as it comes. She says her body is full of metal and has lots of rods to help strengthen her bones, she has had a lot of surgery.

Kristin with her husband Mike

Kristin met her husband Mike, online 14 years ago, and it wasn’t obvious on her profile pic that she had a disability and when she did tell him about it, he didn’t believe that she used a wheelchair till he met her. He thought that she was testing him if he was shallow, till they finally met up.

He says Kristin is a very independent girl and her disability never came up in between their dating life. They took dance lessons before their wedding and she really appreciates Mark as a husband. Mark says that Kristin lives life just like a normal woman doing all the things she would normally do.


Kristin says that society still comes in between as it doesn’t understand how a disabled person can be happily married and live a normal life. She says people often refer to Mark as her brother, or a relative instead of her husband because they still can’t see people in wheelchairs having meaningful relationships.

This couple has defeated all sorts of social stigma and are happily enjoying their life traveling as Mark and Kristin have the travel bug and love to check out new places previously she never thought that she would be able to see.


They have cooked pasta on top of the hills of Tuscany and had wine. They have been on the gondolas in Venice, they have stayed just outside of the Arenal Volcano in Costa Rico.

She wants to blog about her amazing life with disability on social media as she feels that many would assume that she was living a miserable life and not enjoying it. She says people would say to her that if they were in her position, they wouldn’t know what to do. But that is not the reason why they should stay that way. She has been in the hospital many times after breaking a lot of bones, but all this has given her a new perspective on life and has made her the warrior she is today.


Her life is truly blessed with a caring life partner like Mark who is standing shoulder to shoulder with her in their marriage and never once felt that he was a caregiver to her but rather a husband. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.

Watch Kristin Victoria’s inspiring story below.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23