New Homeowners Find Message Written On Wall And It Brings Them To Tears

New occupants of a home found themselves reading one of the sweetest messages ever written welcoming them to their new abode.

The message was written on the pantry wall. “My daughter was putting things away and saw it,” Susan Marie Smuzinsky of Newfield, New Jersey, said. “I got goosebumps and honestly a bit teary-eyed.”

Smuzinsky lived next door to the home for some time before purchasing it and knew a bit about the couple who lived there previously. “We knew them but not well,” she said, noting the area is very rural.

“They were the second owners of the home and bought the house in 1971,” she said. “The husband passed away from cancer and the wife went into a nursing home a few years later.” She said that the couple raised a family in the home. According to the message on the wall, the home had “many wonderful memories.”

“We loved, laughed, cried, and played here. We pray you will too. God bless,” it read. Smuzinsky said the home had been empty for a while before it was listed and though she had no plans of buying a house she went to see it because she was being “nosy.”


“As soon as I walked in [to view it] I felt at home,” she said. “I kept thinking if someone else gets it my heart will be broken and I’ll have to move because I won’t be able to see anyone else in it.” Smuzinsky finally bought the house and now her daughter lives next door. “A parent’s dream,” she said,

She wants to keep the home the way it was and says she doesn’t want to remove the message on the wall. “I just hope that if the previous family ever drives by,” Smuzinsky said. “they will see their home is being treated with care and respect and loved just as much as they loved it.”