Police Find Missing Boy With Down Syndrome Guarded By Family Dog On Train Tracks

It’s the story that’s putting a lot of smiles on the faces of people especially dog lovers after a 5-year-old boy who had lost his way from his home, was discovered safe with his family dog.


Dogs are man’s best friend and the love that they have for their humans is indescribable and unique. Just like the bond that Jose Muñoz and his German Shepherd share.

It was a scary situation on a Saturday morning when the down syndrome boy had wandered off about a half-mile from his home according to reports from the Houston police. “I looked on the map and said, ‘This is a far way for the child to walk all the way over here,’” said HPD Sgt. Ricardo Salas.

Amid the chaos and distress due to the incident, witnesses saw the boy and the dog walk together on the train tracks near Cavalcade in north Houston, according to Salas. “The dog knew he had to go with him because he was doing something he was not supposed to do,” said Salas.

Imagine what Jose’s mother, Jasmine Martinez, must have been going through wondering where her little boy had gone away to. She said in an interview that she and Jose were having a nap and when she woke up, he wasn’t there. She says he must have unlocked the door and gone out.

Houston police were informed about the missing boy and immediately responded to the call but they couldn’t believe their eyes when they found the boy fiercely guarded by the dog and gave him water to refresh him. “I sat the child in my patrol unit so he could get some AC, and I looked back and the dog jumped in the patrol car,” said Salas.

“Alejandro has always been a very overprotective dog since we got him, we got him when he was a baby. I was not surprised when they said he was walking with him the whole entire time,” said Jose’s sister, Samantha Muñoz. The whole family including Jose’s mother is grateful to Alejandro for protecting Jose.

Meanwhile, officer Salas said, “Thank God this story ended very positive, we’re very thankful for that,” he said. Everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that Jose wasn’t hurt as he was rescued near train tracks, he escaped with a few scrapes. No charges would be filed by the police, but Jose’s mother is ensuring this never happens again by installing child protective locks on their doors.

We’re thankful to God for sending Alejandro to protect Jose throughout this ordeal because we can’t imagine what would have happened otherwise. The police also played an important part in this story and are opening the eyes of people who say that they need to be defunded.

Psalm 138:7 “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.”

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23