Mom Struggling with Addiction Gives Up Her Baby for Adoption, 18 Years Later They Unexpectedly Meet at Walmart

A mother reunited with her biological son at Walmart, eighteen years after placing him for adoption.

mother reunited with biological son

As the Bible says, when we repent of our sins and accept that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, the old is gone, and we are new in Christ.

No material things or any person in this world can offer us salvation. Only Jesus Christ can.

This story reminds us of the incredible changes that can occur when we allow God’s grace to work in us.

In 2004, Amanda Rector was at the height of her addiction when she gave birth to her second child, Hunter. Born dependent on opioids, Hunter was swiftly removed from her care, just as her eldest son, Jameson, had been previously.

“I hated myself for using when I was pregnant,” Amanda recalls. “When Hunter came out, he was so uncomfortable, and my heart … I just shut down. I knew if I looked at him for too long, I would start to hurt, and I couldn’t feel that hurt.”

At the time, Amanda was living with an abusive boyfriend and had no baby supplies. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take Hunter home.

Days later, while at the hospital’s emergency room with her boyfriend, Amanda realized how dire her situation was. Seeing her reflection in an elevator mirror, she barely recognized herself.

Despite her struggles, she felt a sudden urge to see her baby. A nurse allowed her to visit Hunter in a dark room with a rocking chair.

“After she left, I looked down at him and started whispering in his ear, ‘I’m so sorry. This is not me. I’m so sorry that this is your life,’” Amanda says.

Four months later, Hunter was legally adopted by a local family. Shortly after, Amanda was imprisoned for armed robbery, serving two and a half years of a five-year sentence.

On her first day in prison, Amanda found Jesus. She began attending 12-Step meetings and joined the choir.

“Anything that was positive or healthy, I did it,” she says.

Before her release, Amanda sent a letter to Hunter’s adoptive parents to assure them she wouldn’t be attending the same church as her father, who went to their church.

Despite never receiving a response, Amanda respected their space. Occasionally, she saw glimpses of Hunter, including a memorable moment at a cancer fundraiser where she saw him dancing.

“It was as if God was saying, ‘He’s dancing. He’s happy,’” Amanda recalls.

Years later, Amanda’s son Jameson, now 21, was talking to a teenage girl at Walmart when she pointed to a young man and said, “That’s your brother.”

Amanda learned that Hunter had recently discovered her identity and was curious about her. “I was speechless. I couldn’t believe it was happening,” she says.

Fearing Hunter might be angry, Amanda was relieved when they shared a warm hug. Hunter, now 19, says, “I had just been talking about wanting to meet Amanda and then she appeared. If I wasn’t God-centered, I don’t believe any of this would have happened.”

The reunion marked the beginning of a new relationship. Amanda and Hunter exchanged phone numbers and now see each other about once a week.

mom reunited with son after 18 years
Amanda Rector with her sons Hunter and Jameson

Amanda has been sober for over 17 years and works as a certified peer support specialist, helping others struggling with substance abuse. She also shares her experiences on TikTok, where she has nearly a million followers.

Hunter says, “I’m so proud of her. She completely turned her life around, and we’re building a relationship that we never could have had before.”

No one is too far from the grace of God. Amanda’s incredible transformation from an addict to a supportive mother and advocate shows how a person’s life changes when God’s love and redemption come into their life.

Our society needs Jesus now more than ever. With rising rates of drug addiction, violence, broken marriages, and child abuse, every home should be a place for Jesus.

Parents should guide their kids in the Word of God, engage them in family prayer and worship, and encourage them to attend church together.

This foundation can help create strong, loving families that lead to making our society and country better.

WATCH: Amanda Shares the Moving Story Behind the Reunion with Her Son

@prison_story Imagine wondering for 18 years if he hated you only to find out he saw it as an act of love #adoption #birthmom #update #grace #forgiveness #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #setfree #recovery ♬ original sound – Amanda Dove ❤️

Verse of the Day

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16