Woman Gives Up Birthday Celebrations To Take Sick Swan For Treatment

People were surprised to see a swan ride the subway in New York City on a busy day, thanks to the efforts of a Good Samaritan, the sick adult swan was able to get to an animal clinic in time.


The swan named Bae was helped by a hardcore bird-lover and some New Yorkers who helped it reach an animal clinic for treatment.

Ariel Cordova Rojas was about to kick-off her 30th milestone birthday celebrations, she was visiting the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York City when she saw the swan on the side of a trail. Being an ex-employee of the Wild Bird Fund— the Upper West Side clinic, she knew she had to take it there for treatment.


She manually lifted the 17-pound swan which is considered risky by all who are familiar with swans at their local ponds. “You cannot simply walk up to a swan and expect them to be OK,” Rojas said, “They’re going to try to bite; they’re going to try to make some wing motion to get you away from them. But she didn’t do that.”


After securing the bird in her jacket, Rojas had to get it to the Wild Bird Fund which was 24 miles away by car, so she carried Bae in her arms for a mile till she met a couple who gave them a ride to the subway station. One of them was a Metropolitan Transportation Authority worker who volunteered to carry Rojas’ bike to the platform.

Rojas said that when they took the subway to New York City, nobody was bothered, “Nobody really cared,” said Rojas. “Because this is New York City, and you see wild things every day!” Bae and Rojas reached the Wild Bird Fund, where Bae is being treated for lead poisoning, fungal infection, and weakness in her legs.


Even though her birthday celebrations were interrupted, Rojas feels happy to have been with Bae on that journey, the name she gave the swan. “She was my ‘bae,'” said Rojas. “She was my date for the evening.”

Verse of the Day

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16


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Diana B
Diana B

Thank you for your selfless act for this beautiful bird.


Wonderful. Thank you for caring for Bae. God bless you.