Sanitation Worker Interrupts Graduation Celebration To Give Powerful Advice

A heartwarming video shared by Jayden Enes Gutierrez has a powerful message for seniors.

Jayden’s sister and cousin were near their Eastvale, California, home celebrating their graduation in their caps and gowns when a local sanitation worker pulled up in his truck.

Bruce Johnson was doing his work when he noticed the young people celebrating and their Class of 2020 banner.

He stopped and said he wanted to say something which was all caught on camera by Jayden.


In a video, we hear Bruce begin to sing “The Greatest Love Of All” by Whitney Houston. Both proud students can’t help smiling when he says, “I believe the children are our future,” and the best is yet to come!

Then he began to share about his personal experiences which brought tears to everybody’s eyes.


“I lost two daughters in an accident, but I’ll say this: When I see girls doing what you do, I celebrate,” he tells them. “People see me in the truck, and I still have a twin and two sons, but I lost my baby daughter in her junior year, and I lost her big sister that was born with the other twin, but know that it’s worth your hard work.”

The two students are instantly moved by his words.


“My other daughter went off and she got her master’s, and she’s a director over at Riverside Community Hospital now,” Bruce continues. “Always keep reaching. I’m serious.”

No wonder this video has started trending with the hashtag #BeLikeBruce on social media and are encouraging one another by sharing his story with others.

Verse of the Day

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatians 3:26-28