A young mum was left ‘speechless’ by a stranger’s random act of kindness towards her son in Manchester, England.

Chelsea Robinson was festive shopping in Piccadilly Gardens recently with her five-year-old son Kian Hempenstall when she was approached by a woman holding a Build A Bear box asking her if Kian liked teddy bears.
The grieving mother lives in Stoke-on-Trent and explained to Chelsea that she travels 70 miles every year to Manchester to buy 2 teddy bears: one for her baby who would have been eight years old now and one to gift to a child of a similar age as her baby.
It was a special moment for young Kian as well because he lost his dad died in a road accident in May this year. Sharing a photo of Kian and the woman on Facebook, Chelsea, who lives in Fallowfield, said: “I’ve never felt so much kindness as we just received five minutes ago. To this wonderful lady, thank you.
“After all we’ve been through this year, especially for my precious little Kian losing his dad, I felt we had such a connection, even in that brief moment. I believe that angels come around in a time of need and this certainly was that.”