When Students Learn Their Beloved Teacher Is Facing Hard Times, They Rally to Help

When a loved Phoenix high school teacher, Clayton Guy, revealed his wife Angel was in dire need of open-heart surgery, his students didn’t hesitate to step in with an extraordinary act of kindness.

students raise funds for teacher

Angel Guy began experiencing chest pains in November, which escalated until doctors gave her the news of needing surgery in March. Her devoted husband, Clayton, a respected government teacher at Arcadia High School, never left her side during this trying time. “We had to wait until May 11 for surgery, and it was like waiting for a heart attack, waiting for something to go on,” Clayton shared.

Even amidst their personal ordeal, Clayton kept his professional commitment, sparking concern amongst his students and colleagues who sensed his subdued demeanor. “Overall, Mr. Guy [is] always in a great mood, he brings just a great vibe to the class, and he’s always energetic,” said Parker Bond, one of his students.

Parker, a senior at the time, noted the change in his favorite teacher’s mood. Sensing Clayton’s stress, he and his classmates felt a deep urge to alleviate some of their beloved teacher’s worries. The students then decided to set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with the medical costs of Angel’s surgery, a gesture that touched the hearts of Clayton and Angel deeply.

“You just don’t imagine that someone is going to come back and do that for you as well,” Angel expressed, overwhelmed by the students’ heartfelt initiative.

The fundraising effort has now reached its goal of $10,000.

“Mr. Guy has always been such a caring, kind, and intelligent teacher and person. I still feel the positive impact he had on me even after nearly 10 years since being his student,” Jamie Paceley shared on GoFundMe, amplifying the appreciation felt by many for Clayton.

While Angel is making progress post-surgery, it is a slow process, as she navigates through recovery. “She gets chest pains, and she’s not sure if it’s her sternum, in the chest or if it’s her heart, but It’s something we are monitoring,” Clayton said.

Despite the hurdles, the tangible support from the students offers them comfort and hope during these challenging times.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23