Uber Driver Stranded On I-95 Goes Above And Beyond For Teen Passenger

This Uber driver and his teen passenger were stuck in a traffic jam on I-95 near Washington, D.C., for five and a half hours. To appease and ensure his passenger’s safety, he booked a hotel room for her free.


This kind gesture is no longer part of the scope of an Uber driver’s responsibility. But, DaVante Williams, our hero driver, just needed to ensure that this teen got the rest she needed after being stuck in the car for several hours.

I-95 was turned into a parking lot after motorists were stuck in a jam for more than 24 hours in the wake of a snowstorm.

He picked up this teenage girl from Union Station at midnight. She was on her way home to Williamsburg, Virginia. Unfortunately, her train trip was canceled due to derailment. They got to I-95, and after 20 miles into the journey, they came to a halt. Their ordeal began.

“I didn’t even see anything about the road being closed. I didn’t get any kind of alert on my phone,” DaVante told Fox 5 News, noting how he drives a new truck with all-wheel drive. “There was nothing.”

“So, I get back on 95, and in my mind, I’m just saying, ‘Maybe this is a little fender bender. It will be all over shortly,'” he recalled. “One hour went by. Two hours went by…” All he wanted was to get his passenger safely home, even though they were still miles away from Virginia.

“At this point, it’s not about the money. Let’s figure out how to get us home,” he explained. They both called their loved ones already. The young woman started to become emotional and frantic as well.

“She would call her mother or call her father here and there to communicate what was going on.” This kind driver even talked to them to assure them that their child was safe. “She was overwhelmed, and I totally understood because all she wanted to do was get home.” He even gave her crackers and drinks he kept in the car.

The trip started at midnight, and they were only able to get out of the freeway around 7:30 AM. DaVante then decided to book a hotel room for his passenger for FREE! He wanted to ensure that she got the rest she needed to make alternative travel plans after resting.

“So, I wind up having to put her up in a hotel because she was not old enough to get a room by herself. So, I wanted to make sure she was comfortable, and I didn’t want to leave her stranded,” this hero driver told MarniHughesTV.

He also offered to get her home safe after her stay in the hotel. Thankfully, a family friend picked up the teenage girl to take her home.

Uber caught wind of this Good Samaritan’s kind act, shared his story, and stated: “Not all heroes wear capes.”

Their spokesperson told Fox 5 News, “Mr. Williams went above and beyond during this very stressful situation, and we thank him for his thoughtful actions.” The company reimbursed his expenses for the young girl’s hotel room.

DaVante got the surprise of his life when he got a “lead driver” offer from “Ride Alto.” Ride Alto is an “upscale ride-sourcing service” in Dallas, Houston, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. He seemed to have accepted the offer, and details are now being worked out.

“I’m happy it was me that was her driver,” this joyful man said. “Any other driver, I’m not sure what would have happened. And based on her energy and her presence, I felt I was put there for a reason… to do what I did.”

DaVante Williams indeed reaped what he had sown and more! He was able to get an exhausted, emotional young girl home and was rewarded with more than what he expected.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2