Woman With Large Tumor In Uterus Refuses To Give Up Baby Believing In God’s Promises

A woman shared her testimony about how she stood firm on the word of God even though there’s was a growing tumor on her uterus.


Two months before Natalie’s wedding, she experienced immense abdominal pain which landed her in the ER. She was told that she had a 3-centimeter fibroid tumor on her uterus which didn’t bother her a lot as her doctor told her that “women have this all the time and that it’s not a big deal.” With a few months left for her wedding to Paul, the tumor started causing discomfort in her body and she went for surgery to remove it.

The surgeon found that it was difficult to remove the tumor without removing the uterus too as it had grown from 3 centimeters to 15. The couple did not want to opt for that but Natalie’s doctor insisted that it was her only option to save her life. “‘Don’t hold on to any hope for having children. It is impossible. And this tumor needs to be removed. It’s very dangerous. We just need to do this hysterectomy,’” he told her.


This made her mad and she decided to go to the Lord about it. “I was angry. I didn’t like that that was being taken away from me. I went to the Lord right away and I said, ‘God, what is Your will in this? What do You want? What do You want to do?’” she narrated.

Her husband Paul encouraged her in faith and told her, ‘You know, I can believe the Lord will take this tumor completely away. However He wants to do it, however, He’s going to do it. You have to decide for yourself what you’re able to-to believe for, and I’m going to believe with you.’”

God spoke to Natalie through Psalm 128 which was also read at their wedding, one verse stood out, verse 3, “‘Your wife will be a fruitful vine in the innermost parts of her home, and she will see her children around her table like olive plants.’” She continued, “And then I was like, ‘That is for me!’ And I held on to it and I didn’t let it go.”

Natalie declined the hysterectomy and over the next five years, it grew even larger, till it started pressing into her organs which could cause kidney or heart failure. She defied the Doctors and did not go for the procedure but instead depended on God’s guidance. People would regularly mistake the tumor thinking she was pregnant, but she continued. “I am believing for a miracle and I’m waiting for a promise. God has promised me that I would have a child,’” she said.

“I had times where it was really hard. And I just went on my face before the Lord until I got peace back again. And when I got that peace, I was so confident that the Lord was in this,” she further added. Paul explained, “It’s not easy. It never is. When it’s walking by faith, and just really the Lord doing it through you, the less and less you really consider your abilities and just rely on His.”

Until one day at church, Natalie’s pastor prophesied that she would have a baby, and then in April 2011, she fell pregnant even with the large tumor present on her uterus which meant Natalie’s life and the baby in her womb were at a high risk.


Dr. Douglas Montgomery explained, “We would-would lose the baby or have an extremely premature birth of the baby, or have a medical complication of Natalie where we can’t continue the pregnancy, her life’s in jeopardy, the baby’s pre-viable, we need to deliver the baby to save Natalie’s life.”

Natalie recalled, “So even though I’m getting in the natural, ‘All these things are going to happen to you, you’re going to die, it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t…’ The Lord’s telling me, ‘No. You’re not going to die. You are healthy, you are whole.’” She kept the baby, trusting God and told Dr. Douglas, “I’m not going to die. I did not come this far for this to end this way. The next time you’ll see me I’ll be holding my baby tumor-free.’”

Her husband, Paul was always by Natalie’s side, fasting and praying for his wife and unborn child and on October 19, 2011, Natalie and Paul finally met God’s promise to them. “Heaven Faith Valcarcel was born via C-section, weighing 3 pounds 13 ounces.” Natalie recounted, “She was so real, and it was so God. It was very surreal. This has been done completely by His promise. It was impossible in the natural but in the spirit it was possible.”


Two months after baby Heaven was born, Natalie had the hysterectomy procedure and the doctor removed her now 18 pounds tumor. The doctor testified, “The real remarkable part of this is Natalie’s faith, not through-through one pregnancy, but yet through 5 to 6 years, and then to take on all of the negative comments that come on with all the risks that she had to face. And I really am struck by how God worked through her and brought that – she built my faith during this.”

Today, Heaven is a healthy little girl who loves Jesus, “We believe in a God who has done greater, and you know, He did it in Jesus. And He just says, ‘Just believe Me, just trust Me, see Me, know Me,’ because we can’t do it on our own,” Paul said. Further, Natalie added, “Jesus is the answer to everything. And because I know I can trust in His promises, I trusted Him all the way. He is the only one who can pull you through something like this.”


What a wonderful testimony of faith and hope in the promises of God which did not waiver even though faced with so much adversity. Let us keep this precious family in our prayers and share this testimony with as many people as we can to show the goodness and faithfulness of God.

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“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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