Adorable Baby Hears His Mom’s Voice For The First Time In Heartwarming Video

A heartwarming video of Jen Denman’s 5-month-old son has been shared online and being watched by thousands of people.

This adorable video of their 5-month-old, Alex, shows him hearing the voices of his family for the very first time in his life.

Throughout Denman’s pregnancy everything was normal up until Alex’s birth, till the time he went for routine tests.
Alex failed the hearing tests and nurses told Denman that he had a somewhat partial hearing loss.

Later they got to know that he was born with “Bilateral Moderate Sensorineural” hearing loss, which meant he could not hear much of anything.

His parents did not want their son to live that kind of life and so they bought him hearing aids, and the first time he hears his mother voice was a very emotional time for all.

The video shows Alex all wide-eyed and smiley, the moment he hears his mother saying “Hey. It’s Mummy. Mummy,” and “Hey are you taking it all in? Yeah. Yeah.”

They also have an older son, Joe, who wanted to help out when he got to know that Alex’s hearing was flawed.
Denman says that Joe wanted to fix his hearing with a screwdriver as they always use it to fix other things at home.

Alex’s condition is permanent, and his family are getting him familiar with sign language, and he will have to use hearing aids throughout his life, but thankfully he has a loving family around him who will help him through it all.


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