Man With Memory Disease Forgets Brother Who Paid For Hair Cuts Died, Barber Does It For Free

Marlo Matthews, a barber from Memphis, Tennessee shared a story on his Facebook which is melting hearts of the netizens.

He says, “Some things are better than money.”

There is an assisted living facility right next door to the barbershop where he works. He posted a photo of an elderly gentleman whose name is Mr Earl, is sitting in his barber shop, waiting for a haircut.

Matthew writes, “He has a memory disease that if u tell him something today he forgets, so, if u tell him again tomorrow it’s like new information to him.”

But thankfully Earl has a brother who makes sure he is taken care of. Matthew says, “His brother used to come to the shop and pay me every week to cut his hair,” Matthews explained. “Then later Mr. Earl would come and ask me did his brother pay me so he can get a cut.”

He would always tell Mr Earl that his brother had paid for his haircut.

The average cost of a man’s haircut is around $28, depending on your location and what kind of cut you are looking for, it can go up.

Sadly, Mr. Earl’s brother passed away five years before the post was shared on Facebook and Mr Earl does not remember his brother is no more.

So, as usual he would go to Matthews’ shop for a haircut, thinking his brother would pay for his haircut.

But instead of Matthews telling him that his brother had died and turning him away, he says, “I ALWAYS STILL SAY YES SIR, YOUR DEBT IS PAID and cut his hair,’” Matthews wrote. “I know Mr. Earl brother is in heaven looking down watching out for us. THATS PAYMENT ENOUGH.”

the man in the chair is mr.earl….mr.earl lives in the assisted living home next door to the shop, he has a memory…

Posted by Marlo Matthews on Wednesday, June 22, 2016

That is such a sweet act of kindness which we can all emulate in our daily lives.

Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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