13-Year-Old Uses ‘Make-A-Wish’ To Feed The Homeless

13-year-old Abraham Olagbegi only wish was to be a blessing. This was turned into a reality when he worked with ‘Make-A-Wish’ Foundation. He did not make a wish for himself but instead, wished for the homeless to be fed.


This young man had his share of challenges. Last year, he was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder. This required him to have a bone marrow transplant which happened a year later. He was also chosen to be one of the recipients of “Make-A-Wish” Foundation. Its goal is to grant the wishes of kids with critical illnesses.

Young Abraham was not your typical teen-instead of wishing for a PlayStation or maybe brand new sneakers, he wished for the homeless to be fed instead. He wanted for his wish to last for a long time.”I remember we were coming home from one of his doctor appointments and he said, ‘Mom, I thought about it, and I really want to feed the homeless,'” Abraham’s mom, Miriam Olagbegi, told CBS News. “I said, ‘Are you sure Abraham? You could do a lot … You sure you don’t want a PlayStation?'”


He worked with Make-A-Wish and started setting up a table. They spent a day in Jackson, Mississippi, giving out free food and supplies to the homeless. Local businesses helped out to make this wish come true. This 13-year-old kid made 80 homeless people happy that day! “When the homeless people get the plate, some of them would come back and sing to us and thank us,” he said in a CBS interview. “And it just really feels good, it warms our hearts. And my parents always taught us that it’s a blessing to be a blessing.”

But, this was not enough for Abraham. He wanted more, not for himself, but for the needy. He worked with the said foundation and they will continue to feed the homeless until August 2022. How’s that for a wish? He certainly is one of a kind. Kids might be wishing for the latest gadgets, toys, shoes, or money this Christmas, but Abraham wanted something that will outlast his lifetime.

They will be feeding 80 homeless people every third Saturday of the month. Local businesses and a church have already pitched in for the said cause. But wait there’s so much more! God’s love for people must have been so imprinted in this young teen’s heart that he decided to turn this effort into something bigger. He wanted to turn it into a non-profit organization and suddenly, “Abraham’s Table” was born. He came up with this name and aims to feed homeless people even beyond August 2022.


“If I was out there on the streets, homeless, I would want somebody at some point to think of me and to do something special for me. So, that’s what I try to instill in my kids and we just try to pay it forward, by doing what we were raised to do,” his mom said.

If this once terminally-ill young boy could make so much difference, everyone can too. He did not even have the resources, but all he had was a benevolent heart and supportive parents. Let’s not let our limitations or conditions stop us from making the lives of people around us better and a bit happier one step at a time. Every person can make a great impact if only we can see things in a different light.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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