7-Year-Old Has Face-to-Face Encounter with Black Bear and He Stares It Down

When 7-year-old Huxley found himself face-to-face with a black bear while riding his scooter, he didn’t panic. Instead, he bravely stared the bear down, making it stop in its tracks.

boy stops black bear

In the quiet of a western Canadian neighborhood, Huxley was enjoying a ride on his scooter when an unexpected visitor, a black bear, made an appearance. With no adults immediately around, Huxley held his ground, locking eyes with the bear. The animal, perhaps as surprised as Huxley, paused, giving a neighbor enough time to intervene.

The neighbor, with arms raised, approached the bear, engaging in a sort of hide-and-seek around a car. This diversion allowed Huxley to retreat to safety, and eventually, the bear scurried away, leaving the neighborhood as quickly as it had appeared.

Later, Huxley and his mother, Britney, shared their experience with Inside Edition. Britney expressed her pride in Huxley’s composure during the encounter, highlighting the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings, especially in areas where wildlife is present. “We’ve had a conversation about being aware… If there is a bear and you’re not with an adult, you know, be calm,” she shared.

Britney also noted that Huxley’s reaction was not typical, even for adults, stating, “I think most adults even in that moment would’ve perhaps panicked or run away… Not everybody knows what to do there so I’m super proud of him.” Her words underscore the exceptional nature of Huxley’s response.

Wildlife experts agree with Britney, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm and appearing large when faced with a black bear. Huxley, perhaps unknowingly, followed this advice perfectly.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.Joshua 1:9

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23