99-Year-Old Couple Celebrates 80th Wedding Anniversary & Shares Secret To A Happy Marriage

It was the 80th wedding anniversary of 99-year-old Donald and Vivian Hart of Grand Rapids, Michigan. On that special occasion, the couple didn’t forget to share an important message about a successful marriage life.

Donald a World War II veteran said “Have fun with each other, but don’t make jokes at the expense of the other.”

Vivian added about the importance of faith in family life – “Always be sure to put God first in your life, Be always willing to help and stay alert to your spouse. We have prayer every day together in the morning and the night. We don’t keep our mind on our troubles,” – Vivian said.

The beautiful couple celebrated their 80 years of togetherness surrounded by friends and family at their assisted living home. Watch and share their inspiring message.

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2