Hero Crossing Guard Acts Quickly And Saves Middle School Student From Being Hit By Car

A Maryland Crossing Guard saved a middle school student from harm by acting quickly and pushing the child away from an oncoming car.


Cpl. Annette Goodyear of the North East Police Department regulated traffic at a crosswalk last Friday. A middle school student crossed the intersection, and she motioned an oncoming car to stop. However, it did not stop, and she had to act swiftly. When the car was merely a few inches away from the student, she abruptly pushed the child away. That’s when the car hit her.

A surveillance camera showed Cpl. Annette lying on the floor after the car slammed into her, WUSA reported. The driver and student rushed toward her to check how she was doing. A couple of witnesses also dashed to help.

Thankfully, this brave Maryland Crossing Guard sustained minor injuries only. She was taken to the hospital and was released shortly.

Cecil County Executive Danielle Hernberger posted the video on Facebook. She also spoke with the town’s mayor and commendations for Cpl. Annette’s bravery and swift actions are in the works. Meanwhile, the driver was given several citations, including negligent driving and expired registration.

KTLA 5 News uploaded this report on YouTube, and it now has more than 75K views. Hundreds of viewers have commended this woman’s selfless act. One wrote, “Wow! Talk about having a quick reaction! She sounds like a hero to me, and I hope she gets the rightful recognition she deserves.” Another one said, “That’s what I love seeing with people, the reflex to not think twice and risk it to save another fellow human. No hesitation. How awesome of her and glad both the girl and officer is [are] doing ok.”

This modern-day hero was at the right time and place. Kudos to brave and selfless officers like her. Thank you for your sacrifices and great work.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23