Dental Assistant Thought She’s Getting Fired Until Bosses Started Handing Her Cash

Everyone needs a person who can get things done with a positive vibe and confidence, and Sophia Teel is that person who has helped contribute to her workplace in Beaumont, Texas for the last 20 years.


Now as she is celebrating her 20-year work anniversary having worked for Orthodontists Mike Nelson and Ron Risinger, she got the surprise of her life after they gifted her $1,000 for every year that she worked for them.

A video of that awesome moment was recorded and shared on video and has gone viral. Sophia was worried when both the dentists called her into the room to talk to her. She said, “I was thinking, ‘Good grief, I got a month left before 20 years. I know I’m not getting fired,’” she said.

Sophia started working at Risinger and Nelson Orthodontic Specialists as an intern in May 2002 and is now nearing 20 years of working there. She said, “This is the perfect position,” Sophia said. “Kids are getting braces on to love their smile, to get more confidence. Usually at the end, they’re very happy. So this is a fun job.”

It’s so important to make your employees feel appreciated at the workplace because they spend so much time and energy giving doing their best and Dr. Nelson & Dr. Risinger understand that perfectly.

They had a huge surprise for Sophia to celebrate her 20-year work anniversary when they called her into the office and started handing out $1,000 cheques for each year she worked there. Sophia got a total amount of $20,000 from them as appreciation for her service to everyone coming into the office. Praise God!

Dr. Nelson said, “Sophia is a great example of someone who just brings joy and happiness to the office every day,” he said. Dr. Rinsinger also agreed and said, “Sophia is not only an employee, but she’s a family friend and a very valuable person to have around you,” he shared. “She saw this small little operation grow to the size it is now and she’s one of the reasons we’re successful.”

Sophia’s kind employers made such a big difference in her life with that generous amount, her heart was full of gratitude as she said, “I am grateful–I was humbled that day–but I am grateful and it’s an awesome feeling to be appreciated in such a manner and the whole world knows that you’re appreciated,” said Sophia. “That was awesome.”

May we learn to be faithful and sincere at our workplaces and always be full of integrity even when no one is watching us and then we too will be rewarded by God and man for our service just like Sophia was.

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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