Dog Who Patiently Waited 7 Years for His Late Owner Passes Away

For those who adore dogs, it’s no secret that their loyalty is unparalleled. The touching story of Rufus, a devoted canine hailing from Lake Charles, Louisiana, genuinely showcases the unbreakable connection between a dog and its owner. Over the course of seven unwavering years, Rufus persistently occupied the same location on his family’s driveway, longing for the return of his cherished human, John. Heartbreakingly, unbeknownst to Rufus, John had succumbed to a rare heart condition, making a reunion on this earth impossible. Yet, even in death, the love between the two remained strong, and now, the family believes they have finally reunited in Heaven.

dog waited for owner rufus

Lydia Crochet, John’s daughter, shares the incredible bond that her father and Rufus had. John, a retired man who had adopted Rufus as a puppy, spent most of his time outdoors, often working on cars in his shop behind the house. Rufus, a natural hunting dog, would accompany John on his adventures, chasing raccoons, possums, and other critters in the shallow ponds on their land. “He was a natural hunting dog and loved to chase anything that moved out there: raccoons, possums, nutria, snakes, and even skunks. Dad would laugh watching Rufus gallop through those ponds,” Lydia reminisced.

Tragically, in 2016, John suffered a heart attack and, after 17-days in the hospital, he passed away. Rufus, unable to comprehend the circumstances, returned to his familiar place in the driveway, steadfastly waiting for John’s homecoming. This daily vigil continued for seven years, as the loyal dog never lost hope that John would come back.

WATCH: Loyal Dog Waits for Owner Who Died to Return Home


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Despite his unwavering loyalty, Rufus still enjoyed a good life. He remained close to Teresa, John’s wife, and received plenty of love and attention from family members and neighbors. “Rufus was well cared for, but he missed Dad. It was heartbreaking at times to see him waiting,” Lydia said.

Rufus’s story went viral, prompting some to suggest that bringing Rufus to John’s funeral might have provided closure. Lydia acknowledged the idea but explained that it wasn’t something the family had considered in their time of grief.

Rufus sadly departed this world at 12 years old due to natural causes. While the family was heartbroken by his passing, they found solace in the thought that Rufus and John have ultimately been brought back together. “Some stated that Dad finally came to get Rufus in his truck,” Lydia shared. “I like that. I believe that if there are ponds in heaven, Rufus is playing in one while Dad looks on. Laughing, of course!”

WATCH: Dog Who Waited for His Owner for 7 Years Passes Away

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Rufus’s unwavering devotion to his owner serves as a powerful testament to the love and loyalty that exists between dogs and their humans. It is a beautiful reminder to cherish and appreciate the unconditional love our furry friends provide. So, go ahead and give your canine companion an extra hug today – they truly are man’s best friend.