Man Miraculously Wakes Up After Being Brain Dead For 244 Days

A horrible motorcycle accident left Drew Kohn fighting for his life, with doctors declaring him brain dead. However, his family held onto their faith, and now he is a walking miracle.

Drew Kohn


Just days before he celebrated his 23rd birthday, a car hit Kohn as he rode his motorcycle. The impact was so severe that it knocked off Drew’s helmet and shoe.

His near-fatal motorcycle accident resulted in several serious injuries, including a traumatic brain injury, two punctured lungs, a broken shoulder, and a crushed pelvis. “He was declared brain dead,” said his mother, Yolanda Osborne Kohn. “He looked like death, smelled like death, and responded like death.”

He lay in a coma for the next 244 days, and doctors said that even if by some miracle he awoke, he’d never walk or talk again. “We were told… if he woke up that we should not expect any participation in the world [as] we know it,” Yolanda explained.


A mother’s prayers

Yolanda refused to believe that her son would not wake up again and depended on God for a miracle. She prayed for 8 months for her son’s complete healing. Others prayed too, and all that prayer resulted in Drew Kohn finally waking up!

“Your prayers count,” she says. “That’s what I want people to know is that my family is so grateful.”


Drew woke up one day, and although he couldn’t speak right away, he went home to recover. Suddenly, one day, his mom asked him how he was doing, just like she did every day. But this time, he stunned her by replying, “Mom, I’m okay,” followed by, “I love you, mom.”

A modern-day miracle

It was a huge moment for Yolanda Osborne Kohn because the fervent prayers of this mother and others turned Drew towards his Heavenly Father for strength.

“One emotional point was he asked me where’s my Bible… He said, ‘I want to read Psalm 100’,” Drew’s mom recalled. “I gave it to him and he started reading and when he read Psalm 57 he was crying and I was crying. It was just so powerful — like you can’t say his mind is not there. Not only did he ask to read a certain scripture, but there when you’re saying, the Lord is my refuge. Who will I run to? Who is my strong tower?”

Drew Kohn kept fighting and remained persistent in his rehab and therapy, pushing the boundaries. “He’s not supposed to be able to be a thinking person,” Yolanda explains. “He is not supposed to be able to count money, fill up the gas tank, go to the refrigerator, and microwave his own food.”


But Drew Kohn is a modern-day miracle because of God and the unwavering faith of his mother. “This is not beating the odds. This is Drew’s faith walk,” Yolanda says. “He has a story to tell — he has a testimony. So he’s a walking testimony.”

“My story represents never giving up hope,” he says. “All things are possible when God is in it. I just would love to tell others to never give up.” Drew Kohn is living proof that God exists and that He is a miracle-working God.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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Have some tissues ready, watch this amazing story and read Psalm 57. Our God is truly an amazing God and this young man has amazing work to do!!! 🙂

Reply to  Sher

Amen. All Glory to Jesus!