Teen With Epilepsy Bursts Into Tears Of Joy When She Receives A Support Dog

A young teen suffering from epileptic attacks, burst into tears after receiving a surprise support dog.

Summer Shott was with her family and friends in Raynes Park, London, on April 14, when she got an ‘anonymous’ note along with a furry surprise.

She immediately suspected her mother Cherie Johnson because of the handwriting on the card.

She could not believe her eyes when she read a special note which said, “You have room for a best buddy”.

Watch as Summer sheds tears of joy when she is presented with a brand new chihuahua puppy called Buddy.

Cherie said: “I knew Summer would be ecstatic but her reaction was absolutely magical.

“I’m so proud of her instant reaction to protect him, she thought her crying would scare him and that was the biggest concern for her, not being in his face and getting excited.

Cherie says, it was about making him feel safe. Summer is allergic to anything with hair, so she never thought she would get a furry pet, and that is why they have a tortoise named Eddie.

She continues saying that Summer’s 16th birthday was coming up, and so she decided to get her a dog that could help her.

Summer was born with cerebral palsy and has hemiplegia which physically affects her right side but she also has epilepsy.

Children with hemiplegia are not confident and have anxiety, and so Summer could not do what girls her age would do without a chaperone, even going to the park or shopping with her mates.

Summer was hospitalized recently after suffering from seizures and Cherie was told by a medical professionals, that a dog could help reduce her anxiety.


Cherie said that the seizures she got this time, were because of her anxiety. She had just finished her mock exams and was under pressure doing extra revision lessons at school.

She has always felt that she doesn’t fit in and when she listens to girls at school discussing their weekend plans, it lowers her self-esteem.

Summer has faced bullying at school because kids don’t understand her disabilities as they are ‘hidden,’ having a support dog would help mean that she would get to come home to her own little friend.

Cherie says, “Since having him she looks forward to the weekend, she’s got someone to look after rather than her always being looked after and it’s given her so much confidence.

“Her anxiety levels have dropped dramatically and she hasn’t had any of the bigger seizures since she came out of hospital.”

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23