Off-Duty Nurse Runs Into Hospital Emergency With Unresponsive Child And Saves His Life

A graduate nurse is being hailed a hero after he helped save the life of a dying child in a Brisbane hospital.


The quick-thinking nurse rescued the child from choking after she turned blue and started foaming from the mouth.

It’s nothing new for doctors and nurses to save lives but the intent and passion of this trainee nurse who was caught on camera running through the hospital ground carrying the lifeless toddler with his mom following behind is just too much.

Nicholas Jensen became a savior for the two-year-old girl whose mother’s screams made him stop on his way to work.

What he saw was not a good sign because the child was clearly fighting for her life and any delay would be crucial for her survival. So 44-year-old Jensen decided to scoop the girl up in his arms in the recovery position and run all the way into the emergency department at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.

Incredible CCTV shows Mr. Jensen running through the grounds of the hospital carrying the motionless toddler as his mother follows closely behind. The nurses and doctors there immediately took the toddler to the resuscitation room and gave her life-saving treatment that saved her life. They later said that she had suffered an atypical febrile convulsion that is brought on by viral infection and fever.

According to the latest information, the girl is doing well after she spent 2 days in the hospital, which was possible due to the timely intervention of Jensen and the medical team.

When asked about the incident, Mr. Jensen said, “In the moment adrenalin and my training kicked in,” he said. “This is why I got into this job, great job satisfaction. It is a meaningful career.”

Nursing is a meaningful career because you get to save people’s lives and Mr. Jensen decided to go into nursing after previously working as a stonemason.

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