89-Year-Old Grandpa Running To Say Goodbye To Granddaughters Is A Precious Family Tradition

An 89-year-old grandfather running to say goodbye to his granddaughters is such a pure thing to see today.


Eska Miller of Texas has been creating a beautiful tradition with his granddaughters by always running to say goodbye to them, a gesture that has been a part of their lives from their earliest memories.

The warm-hearted grandfather was recently captured on video in a delightful display of this tradition, as he sprinted to say goodbye to his granddaughter, Haley Gomez. This precious moment, caught on film, encapsulates a practice he has lovingly upheld throughout Haley’s life.

In a world that often seems dominated by disheartening headlines of violence and politics, this video is a refreshing contrast. It serves as a gentle reminder of the simple, pure joy that can be found in family relationships, offering viewers a much-needed breath of fresh air.

The overwhelming love and joy that this grandfather has for his granddaughters radiate from the screen, warming hearts and prompting smiles. It’s a testament to the special bond between grandparents and grandchildren, and a tradition that Haley, no doubt, will cherish her entire life.

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