This 95-Year-Old Man Is Building A Cathedral For The Last 58 Years By Himself

This amazing story from Spain is surely going to blow you away.

Since 1963, Justo Gallego has made it his purpose in life to build a cathedral in Madrid almost by himself.

Justo Gallego Church

What is unbelievable is that although he does not have any formal training in construction or architecture, he has managed to build a huge cathedral by himself.

Gallego is now in his nineties but works on it even today. He says he is driven completely by his faith and knows that the church will never be completed in his lifetime.

But this 95-year-old is still working on his project and hopes that when he dies he will be buried in the cathedral, he built with his own hands.

Justo Gallego church

God bless him and we pray that he gets a huge mansion for himself in heaven.

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