Mom Secretly Adopts The Dog Her Daughters Love

An ad for a dog adoption led to a family falling in love with their new furry friend and a whole lot of adventures.


A mom and her two daughters were searching for dog adoption ads when her youngest saw Rosie’s ad.

The ad said that if the dog wasn’t adopted she would die in the shelter.

After they saw Rosie’s urgent adoption ad, mom secretly decided to get Rosie on a plane to her forever home.

Rosie looked very stressed, she had lost her family and didn’t know where she belonged.

As mom got out of the plane with Rosie and walked towards the girls, they were super excited to find out that she was going to be their new pet.

She was scheduled to be euthanized and they got her that same Saturday.

Their youngest MacKenna teared up and was in shock and that made daddy tear up too.

They made a big difference in Rosie’s life but in reality, she had made a much bigger impact on theirs.

Their pet dog Ziggy was like “Who is this in my house,” on the first day but soon both became best buddies.

Everyone loves Rosie and MacKenna says that Rosie is “the sweetest thing and an amazing dog.”

She adds that the best part of having Rosie is “Everything.”

Today this family can’t imagine life without Rosie. What an amazing story of redemption and restoration.

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Verse of the Day

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

Psalm 40:8