Family Gets Nasty Note From A Neighbor And Strangers Have The Best Response

Randa Ragland was having a hard time dealing with issues in her life, and to top it all, she started receiving letters in the mail shaming her for her yard.

 Randa Ragland

“I opened it and it was pretty much [the sender] shaming me for my yard,” Ragland said. She was accused of not caring about her home, and that “your eyesore is affecting the resale value of our homes,” and that she needed to “do better.”

She admits she was angry about it at first, but then with everything going on with her and her family, she did not have the necessary energy to get angry. Her entire focus was on her family and especially her 3-year-old son, Jaxen.


“He’s autistic and he’s non-verbal,” Ragland said. “But, a few days before his third birthday is when he was diagnosed with neuroblastoma stage four cancer.” Ragland said Jaxen must have been hospitalized over 20 times and had about seven surgeries.

3-year-old Jaxen in the hospital.

She even write a post on her Facebook to make her neighbors be kind and compassionate towards her and her family, with a letter and Jaxen’s story. “My whole point was to show people you don’t know what somebody’s going through,” she said. “Kindness goes such a long way. Gratitude goes such a long way.”


Something wonderful happened the next day, a lawn care service arrived at her home and cut her grass, without saying anything. Soon volunteers got together and some went to the store to buy supplies for her family, others grabbed chainsaws to tidy up her home. All of them were rank strangers to Ragland. “Look at this! This is love,” said Joey Harding, one of the volunteers. “This is love for a stranger. We don’t even know these people.”

Harding, too has had his share of trials when less than two weeks earlier, his six-year-old daughter, LuLu, passed away with the same form of cancer that Jaxen has. “Words can’t describe what this means to me right now,” Harding said. “It’s helping me. It’s helping me cope with losing my daughter. To help another family in need.”

Harding’s daughter, 6-year-old LuLu passed away July 25th

The group helping Ragland has named themselves as “Jaxen’s Army for Justice,” and they said that they would support the family every step of the way. “I’m in amazement. I’m still in shock,” Ragland said. “I don’t have a large family. My mom is gone, my dad is gone, my brother is gone, so this means a lot.”

This story gives us so much of hope and belief in the power of community. Thanks to Jaxens’s Army For Justice, Randa Ragland and family have received the much needed assistance and support they require at this time.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23