2-Year-Old Girl With No Heartbeat For 30 Minutes Comes Back To Life After Nearly Drowning In Pond

It’s a mom’s nightmare to see her child in a grim situation, especially to see her unresponsive, helpless two-year-old girl after falling into a pond. But, this brave little girl beat the odds and came back to life after a lot of fervent prayers were said.


Amanda Aycock and her family went in a frenzy one Wednesday afternoon a few weeks back. Her youngest child, their “sweet, spirited Tessa Claire” went out of their house and was missing. They live in a vast 5-acre lot together with their relatives. Finding Tessa is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

She told Kicks 105, “After about 20 minutes of searching, I was walking back to my front yard to tell my husband to get in the pond and start searching. This would be no easy task as we have a rather large pond. I was about 30 yards from the pond and realized Jonathon, my husband, and his dad were already in there when they started screaming and yelling for help.”


It was a miracle that Tessa was found, because all they saw was a “small area without any moss, maybe about the size of a silver dollar, but it kept drawing my father-in-law’s attention. So, when they jumped in, they took a fishing net and cast it around once, then again and hit Tessa the second time.”

One could just imagine the fear they were facing at that time. She went on to say, “All I remember is running and screaming, by the time I got there, they laid her on the grass, and I dropped to my knees and began CPR. Her little body had no signs of life.” This worried mom immediately performed CPR until the Emergency Response Officials arrived. They were also coordinating with the authorities while the ambulance was on the way to their place. Then, the lifeless Tessa was taken to CHI St. Luke’s Hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Amanda saw the first glimmer of hope. She described, “About 10 minutes or so en route, we saw our first spark of hope when Tessa’s little heart started beating again. Her heart was beating after an estimated 30 minutes underwater and 30 minutes of CPR.”


The toddler was then transferred to another hospital and was placed at the Pediatric ICU. A doctor went out and asked them the most dreaded question for any parent: “He asked in the event Tessa goes into cardiac arrest again – did we want her to receive CPR again or would we like to sign a Do Not Resuscitate form?”

Amanda was so confused and asked Jesus for answers to the many questions she had in mind. “It was like a sucker punch to my chest. She’s 2 years old. How can we even be discussing this? How did this happen? Jesus, I know you have a plan for everything, and you promise something new to be born out of pain, but why?”

During this time, Tessa was starting to respond. So, they decided to go for resuscitation, but things started to turn south. The doctor said that she most likely would experience nuchal herniation. Amanda defined it as “the brain swells to the point of pushing the brain stem through the spinal canal, causing tissue death. Your brain stem controls your basic functions to life, so this would be fatal.”


They knew that at this time, prayer is the most effective weapon. She recounted, “We took to asking for prayers, right then, the kind of prayer where you stop and drop everything. And our family, community, and a sea of strangers responded.” She added, “I remember gut-wrenching sobbing over my girl while I laid my hands on her and prayed. God, only you can do this. Heal my baby God. I can’t do life without her. I need her Father, I am begging you. I am begging you.”

Then, her and the prayers of many were answered. She wrote, “I was having another moment of crying and praying while everyone was sleeping when I went to Tessa’s bedside and put my hand in hers, and she gripped my hand then squeezed.”

Her progress continued. The next day, she started flittering her eyes, and she continued to improve every day. Her MRI result was then released, and it showed “some hypoxic injury to her basal ganglia and cortical regions of her brain.”

This meant that she was “expected to be different” according to her neurologist. Injury to the said portion of the brain would affect the thought process, behavior, movement, among others. But, this mom refused to accept that and continued to fight and believe for the best.

In case you need to see a miracle #littlegirlriseup #toughliketess #tessified

Posted by Amanda Karber Aycock on Saturday, 22 January 2022

Amanda said, “She needs time and therapy, but our girl is going to be the same spirited, sweet, spitfire she’s been since she entered this world. No accident will ever change that.”

The doctor also added that Tessa would not recognize them. This loving mom believed the opposite. “My girl knows her parents. We have now removed the ETT, and Tessa is breathing 100% on her own. She is also off her sedation, and she is looking at us, tracking us with her eyes, and making vast improvements hour by hour,” she said.

You guys 😭❤️👏🏻 we’re extubated. Tess is breathing on her own! Since coming off her sedation she’s been very agitated and working herself up. We’re trying to manage that, but oh I have been waiting 5 long days for this. I can’t wait to hold her in my arms.

Posted by Amanda Karber Aycock on Monday, 24 January 2022

Amanda knows that there’s still a big battle ahead, but the grace of God will enable them to face the challenge. “I truly believe with my whole heart, that Tessa is going to be just fine. We can’t do it without continued prayers though, and we can’t explain how thankful, grateful, and humbled we are by the many prayers being sent up for Tessa, as well as all the many calls/texts/messages/donations and everything else in between.”

@amandakaycock #toughliketess #littlegirlriseup #tessified ♬ The Story I’ll Tell – C4 Worship

Tessa is brave like her mom. Amanda beautifully summed up where her courage and faith come from in these words: “There is so much I had to leave out about this journey we’ve been through but the bottom line is this: God is faithful and in control. Every time a doctor has approached us with “bad news”, Tessa has proved them wrong and I know it’s from her spirit and God’s intervention. We have seen Him move these past few days, and I feel Tessa’s testimony[‘s] making the devil tremble.”


Tessa’s testimony[‘s] making the devil tremble—indeed, a bold declaration to make! It is very encouraging to hear a mom in distress having so much faith in the mighty God who loves us dearly. The power of Jesus which brought dead people to life thousands of years ago is the same power at work now and in the many years to come.

“He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”)” Mark 5:41

Verse of the Day

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?”

Romans 8:35,37


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